Friday 25 March 2011

Follow Friday #1

5 silly book facts about you

1. Even with a huge TBR pile i still buy books not on the list.
2. I'll admit i'm a cover buyer
3. I never read the back of the book before i read it, i want to be 100%      surprised
4. i Quote books to my friends even though i know they won't get it
5. i always skip out of the book store!!


  1. Tristan! We could be twins!!! Everything (except for reading the back of the covers) you do I do!
    I'm so glad that I met you!
    Thanks for stopping by my site! I'll be back!

    P.S. I see you've got Supernatural on here! I am a Freak for that show! I heart my Winchester boys! We'll have to talk shows and especially the last 2 seasons!

  2. My TBR pile is INSANE! And I can't stop adding to it!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! XD I have a mad crazed luv for the Winchesters as well. Nom.

    Following you back. Am guilty of number one on your list as well. Shame on me. *wicked smile*

    Have an awesome weekend!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm following you back! And who doesn't love a bad boy? haha
    Have a great weekend

  5. I'm the same when it comes to reading the synopsis of a book! I prefer to be totally surprised, it makes reading so much more fun!

    Here's my Follow Friday & Blog Hop!

  6. New follower stopping by on Follow Friday! Happy weekend!

    I'm totally with you on #1 and 2! I recently told my husband that it was time for bookshelf #7...I don't think he's quite on board yet.

  7. I'm a cover buyer too! They keep making gorgeous covers, and I can't help but buy them :L My TBR pile is completely out of control! I tried to go through and get rid of all the books I wasn't desperate to read, but I quickly found I couldn't get rid of many :L Have a great week!

    My Hop

  8. Hopping through. I skip into the bookstore but drag my feet out :-)
    My Hop

  9. Hopping back :). I'm a cover buyer too...I thought I was the only one! hehe

  10. I'm a cover buyer, too! I can't help myself. I have no willpower to fight against pretty covers :) I'm a new follower, by the way. I'd love it if you'd check out my blog.



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